Mick Durham
I am retired, having worked as a teacher for much of my life, first teaching English and then Outdoor Education in a Local Authority centre in North Wales. I moved to SW Scotland 24 years ago. I have been a keen photographer for 40 years, primarily wildlife but I do dabble in landscape as part of my love of mountaineering.
In 2013 I gained my FRPS and soon after was invited by David Osborn, Chair of the RPS Natural History Assessment panel to become a member of the panel. When David came to the end of his tenure, to my surprise I was invited to become the Chair. That came just as we went in to lockdown and so I have been coping with online assessments and advisory days - not easy but we have managed to keep the process moving.
For the last few years I have worked for Shetland Wildlife as a tour leader, taking groups to Arctic Scandinavia, Hungary and Romania as well as leading walking groups in Shetland.
I am interested in all types of nature photography, I probably do more bird photography than anything else, but my passion is Scottish Coastal otters, having first seen and photographed them in Shetland in 1989.
Contact details;
Mick Durham
Kinharvie Cottage
New Abbey